2008 |
10.45 Parish Eucharist |
6.00 Choral Evensong |
Choir |
Choir |
January 6 Feast of the Epiphany |
Festive Eucharist (Rawsthorne) |
Introit: Responsory (Palestrina) Responses: Phillipson-Masters Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis: Brewer in D Carols: A maiden most gentle; Far away; No small wonder |
January 13 |
Anthem: From all that dwell (Walmisley) |
January 20 Celebration Sunday |
Gloria & Agnus Dei (Vierne) |
January 27 Conversion of St Paul |
February 3 Candlemas |
Anthem: When to the temple (Eccard) |
DEANERY HEALING SERVICE Beatitudes Let your restless soul (Iona) Ubi caritas (Iona) Venu sancte spiritus (Taize) God be in my head (Rutter) O Lord increase our faith (Loosemore) Almighty and everlasting God (Gibbons) Ave verum corpus Mozart) |
February 6 Ash Wednesday |
February 10 |
Anthem: O Lord my God (Wesley) |
February 17 |
Anthem: Listen sweet dove (Ives) |
Introit: Lord for thy tender mercies sake (Hilton) Responses: William Smith Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis: Morley with fauxbordons Anthem: O Lord the maker (Wm Mundy) |
February 24 |
Anthem: Wash me throughly (Wesley) |
March 2 Mothering Sunday |
March 9 Passion Sunday |
Anthem: O Saviour of the world (Goss) |
March 16 Palm Sunday |
Introit: The feast of palms Anthem: Is it nothing to you (Ouseley) |
March 21 Good Friday |
2pm HOLY HOUR Anthems: Reproaches The Lamentation (Bairstow) God so loved the world (Stainer) Were you there |
March 23 Easter Day |
Anthem: This joyful Eastertide (Charles Wood) |
Introit: Easter anthems Responses: Bernard Rose Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Stanford in A Anthem: Ye choirs (Stanford) |
March 30 |
Anthem: |
April 6 |
Anthem: Here O my Lord (Whitlock) |
April 13 | Anthem: The Lord is my shepherd (Schubert) | |
April 20 |
Anthems: All my days (Beautiful Saviour) (Townend) Come, my way (Harris) |
Introit: If ye love me (Tallis) Responses: Bernard Rose Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Statham in E minor Anthem: Come down O love divine (Harris) |
May 1 Ascension Day |
7.30pm FESTIVE EUCHARIST Setting: Stanford in C & F Anthem: Coelos ascendit hodie (Stanford) |
May 4 | ||
May 11 | Anthem: Listen sweet dove (Ives) | |
May 14
7.30pm Archdeacon's Visitation | |
May 18 Trinity Sunday |
Anthem: Lord I trust thee (Handel) | |
Introit: O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace (Tye) Responses: Smith Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Harris in A Anthem: I give you a new commandment (Nardone) |
June 1 | Anthem: O be joyful in the Lord (Rutter) | |
June 8 | Anthem: | |
June 15 | Anthem: | |
June 22 | Anthem: | |
June 29 | Anthem: | |
Anthem: Come down O love divine (Harris) Veni sancte spiritus (Taize) |
July 13 |
Anthem: Now the green blade (Lindley) |
July 20 |
Anthem: Behold the tabernacle (Harris) |
July 29 |
Introit: Lead me Lord (Wesley) Responses: Sanders Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: C H Lloyd Anthem: They that go down (Sumsion) |
August 3 |
Anthem: Lord I trust thee (Handel) |
August 10 |
Anthem: Lead me Lord (Wesley) |
August 17 |
Anthem: O Lord increase our faith (Loosemore) |
August 24 |
Anthem: Holy is the true light (Harris) |
August 31 |
Anthem: God so loved the world (Stainer) |
September 7 |
Anthem: I give you a new commandment (Aston) |
September 14 St Mary's Patronal Festival |
Introit: Ave Maria (Arcadelt) Anthem: Ave Maris Stella (Grieg) |
Introit: Ave Maria (Elgar) Responses: Phillipson-Masters Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Harris in A Anthem: Bogoroditrye Dyevo (Rachmaninoff) |
September 21 |
Anthem: O for a closer walk(Stanford) |
September 28 St Michael & All Angels |
Introit: Bless the Lord (Frith) Responses: Sumsion Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Sumsion in G Anthem: And I saw another angel (Stanford) Presentation: The Angel Gabriel from heaven came Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Shaw) In Paradisum (Faure Requiem) |
October 5 |
Anthem: |
October 12 |
Anthem: |
October 19 |
Anthem: |
October 26 |
Anthem: |
November 2 All Saints |
Anthem: O King all glorious (Willan) |
November 9 Remembrance |
Anthem: Holy is the true light (Harris) |
November 16 |
Anthem: Beatitudes (RH) |
November 23 Christ the King |
10am CHORAL MATINS Responses: Philipson-Masters Te Deum & Jubilate: Stanford in B flat Anthem: Rejoice the Lord is King (Archer)
10.45am CHORAL EUCHARIST Opening: 100 Coronation version Coronation Gloria (Stanford) Eucharist setting: Stanford in B flat Anthem: Thou wilt keep him (Wesley) |
Introit: Laudate dominum (Harker) Responses: Sanders Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis: Stanford in B flat Anthem: Let all the world (Vaughan Williams) |
November 30 Advent Sunday |
Anthem: This is the truth (Vaughan Williams) |
ADVENT SERVICE OF LIGHT Matin responsory A tender shoot (Goldschmidt) Veiled in darkness (Rudolph) Bogoroditseye dyevo (Rachmaninoff) People look east (Ferguson) E'en so, Lord Jesus, quickly come |
December 7 |
Anthem: Come thou long-expected Jesus (Ley) | |
December 14 |
Anthem: Rejoice in the Lord always (Redford) | 4pm CHRISTINGLE SERVICE |
December 21 |
Anthem: The Angel Gabriel |
SERVICE OF NINE LESSONS AND CAROLS including: Still, still, still (Ledger) A child is born (Archer) The Lamb (Tavener) A maiden most gentle (Carter) Tomorrow shall be my dancing day (Gardner) On this day earth shall ring (Hylton Stewart) What sweeter music (Rutter) |
December 24 Christmas Eve |
MIDNIGHT MASS Anthem: Carols |
December 25 Christmas Day |
December 28 Feast of Holy Innocents |
Anthem: Thou must leave thy holy dwelling (Berlioz) |